Friday, November 4, 2011

Living a biblical womanhood

I love that there is SO MUCH in the bible about how we as women should live our lives. This one is something we see all the time, and is big in our culture today, but is not good for right living. It's hard to remember at times, but so beautifully true!
“Do not let your adorning be external-the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear-but let it be the inner person of the heart with the imperishable quality of gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of the Lord.” 1 Peter 3:3,4
I want people to see my inner heart, rather than my outward appearance! It's so hard, though, to remember this, when the world focuses so much on outward beauty and wealth. Models all over magazines and billboards, making a living from having good looks. Actresses being judged on their weight and clothing. And it trickles down to us normal women too. We worry about our hair and if we're thin enough, pretty enough, classy enough. Are we wearing name brand clothing? Do we get our hair professionally done? Manicures, pedicures, facials. It's all so exhausting, yet all so important to our society today. I am a part of that as well. Please do not think I am not concerned with these very things. But looking at this verse makes me think "I want people to see my inner light". To say "Caroline has a really kind heart". I love jewelry. I have a bunch of big rings. I love big bold rings and bracelets. But I have stopped wearing them as much in the past year. I started to feel that maybe my wearing such big "bling" may make others feel lesser than me. Maybe they want to wear big jewelry but can not afford it. (by the way, I have gotten most of my rings at Target and Boscov's..we're not talking $$$$ jewelry here). I started thinking, what if my wearing name brand, fancy clothes all the time, was hurting other women's egos. So, I try to dress more modestly for the most part. I try to think of the other women I care so much about, that are struggling with their finances because of life situations. Would I want them to go home feeling like they wish they could dress better, or have nicer things? No. I really would feel bad knowing I did that to someone else.

No matter how you dress, or how much jewelry you wear, make sure others see your love, kindness and light of the Lord. That's the lasting image you want to leave them with!!
Peace to all you wonderful women out there!! <3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cleaning My House

I am not the most organized person. I try, I really do. I am good when it comes to planning events and trips, I am good at compiling detailed lists for tasks, packing, chores, etc. When I make lists for myself (To-Do) I can stick to it, and follow it. But I don't always remember to make a list each week. And since the start of homeschooling this year, any to-do listing, or regular cleanings have gotten all jumbled up and all together forgotten some days!
I have started, this week, to get back in to what I used to do. Which was designating 1 room of my house per day to a detailed cleaning. If I sit back and look at my house as a whole, it is OVERWHELMING. Where do I start? How much do I clean? I don't know about you, but my little ones are like tornadoes with their toys!! So, I would look at the house as a whole, straighten it up and never get time to do the deep cleaning.
This week I decided on Monday to clean my kitchen. So I did the dishes, Cleared off surfaces and wiped them down GOOD. I cleaned the surface of my oven. I organized and de-cluttered. I swept and mopped the floor. I wiped down cabinets. And when it was done, it was SPARKLING!! That felt so good. Now the rest of my house? Not so awesome. BUT I know if I take it room by room, that particular room for the day gets the real attention it deserves. Today (Tuesday) I cleaned our sun room/ play room. I swept, I dusted, I wiped down surfaces, organized, de-cluttered, moved toys around, cleaned up our school desk. Now I have 2 rooms that are immaculate in my house!
Hopefully by Friday most of the rooms in my house will be clean as they should be!
I read today on another woman's blog that I follow hallee the homemaker about laundry. Laundry escapes me! I can wash it, and dry it easy! But the folding and putting away...that's a different story. I do not like folding and putting away laundry. We do not have adequate closet and bureau space. It's just a real chore to do. But Hallee had suggested in her post, that you devote a day to it. Like I am doing with the rooms in my house. I am going to give this a go. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, I will be able to train myself to do the laundry right!
And I found this quote today, which is so perfect for this post - Those who think that a woman detained at home by her little family is doing nothing, think the reverse of what is true. -  Perfectly said!!
Peace to all you hard working women out there!